26 May 2023

A journey that is changing us


Our journey of change starts a long way back: from the reflection – begun in early 2020 – on what the founding values of our School are, what our purpose is.

In these two years, we have understood who we want to be, where we want to go, and above all, why we want to do it.

In our purpose – we are committed to inspire and partner with innovators to shape a better future for all – we have found a beacon that guides our actions, and will do so in the future.

We describe the School we want to become in three words: Make, Connect, Ignite.

Make, because we want to be a Business School where you can get your hands dirty, since its by doing that we learn.

The Business School we want to be is a place for growing, with the freedom to make mistakes. Because it’s by making mistakes that we learn, and the only way of avoiding mistakes is never to act.

The Business School we want to be is a space that stimulates creativity and the innovation of concrete solutions to the most important problems facing businesses and society today.

Connect, because what better place than a School to exchange ideas, discuss, feel part of something great? The Business School we want to be is also a place that we feel is ours, because it’s made up of the authentic relationships we are building on, day by day.

The Business School we want to be is one where we are aware of being part of a whole, united in our successes and also in our challenges.

The Business School we want to be is one capable of creating connections, because it is from connections that innovation is born.

And finally, ignite, because it only takes a spark to create great ideas. One spark is enough to make a difference.
One spark is enough to build a better future for all.

Guided by our purpose, we want that spark to be us.

As part of this journey, we felt we should also innovate our brand, to align our identity and self-presentation with the priorities, values and ambitions we have set in 2020.

So MIP Politecnico di Milano Graduate School of Business becomes POLIMI Graduate School of Management: a name representing our strong links with the city of Milan and the entire Politecnico.

We are human beings who believe in innovation and entrepreneurship, which can be achieved by exchanging ideas, experiences and practical skills. We are passionate, respectful, and humble. We aim to inspire transformation and drive change by translating our authentic spirit into concrete actions.

We are proud of our history of more than 40 years. Yet we are also aware that the best way to honour history is to evolve it continuously. This is the approach that has brought us so far … and we have no intention of stopping.

26 May 2023

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