18 June 2024

Positive Impact Rating 2024: POLIMI GSoM the only School in Italy to be classified as a School of Excellence on Impact

Positive Impact Report - POLIMI GSoM

A different impact assessment from the others, the Positive Impact Rating classifies global business schools according to their impact on 7 indicators: Governance, Culture, Educational Programmes, Learning Methods, Student Support, Role Model and Public Engagement. As part of the School of Management of Politecnico di Milano, POLIMI GSoM participated for the first time in this innovative way of evaluating its work and the rating that emerged is among the highest. The School is in fact in the second highest band out of five categories: the only Italian representative to have obtained such a high result.

What the Positive Impact Rating is

This edition of the Positive Impact Rating – PIR – is entitled "Empowering Impact Excellence, Cultivating Transformation in Business Education", and saw the participation of 88 business schools from 30 different countries, representing all five continents. More specifically, the objective is to give voice to the students, who are considered to be the training courses’ main actors. It was they who indicated, in the evaluations that emerged through a survey, how the school should operate in order to improve its positive impact. That is the added value of the rating and the reason why POLIMI GSoM decided to take part in it. 

The social aspect of the PIR

At the root of the PIR is an awareness of the growing demand for responsible business managers and leaders. In fact, all the students who take part in the survey reveal what in their view are the priorities for business schools that want to make a positive impact on the world. In the 2024 edition, the main requests submitted by students to business schools are: to expand practical learning, integrate sustainability across the curriculum, prioritise sustainability on campus, and promote inclusiveness and diversity. They also asked that current and relevant practical business and societal issues be addressed during their studies, as well as their solutions, while learning from experienced professionals with new and different learning methods. The PIR thus serves the dual purpose of showing how the school performs socially and in which areas it is necessary to intervene to make improvements.

How the PIR works

The Positive Impact Rating is relatively new, having been developed between 2017 and 2018. In recent years, the number of participants has increased significantly, demonstrating the growing focus on social impact issues, both by business schools and by students themselves.

The PIR recognises that schools can be agents of change and, through education, can contribute to building a better society and a more equitable and inclusive future.

It identifies five levels according to the ratings that schools achieve. Having positioned itself in the second highest of five bands, POLIMI GSoM is one of the “Transforming Schools”, i.e. those institutions that demonstrate a culture, governance and systems of positive impact with visible results on multiple fronts.

18 June 2024

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