Intake : September 2024

Master in Management, Finance & Tech

Finance and Accounting
24 months
Full Time
On Campus
September 2024
Lyons (France), Milan (Italy), London (UK)
Tuition Fee

€ 48,000 (Individuals)

Professional Experience
Less than 3 years

The Master in Management, Finance & Tech has been designed by emlyon business school, POLIMI Graduate School of Management and Bayes Business School to allow you to immerse yourself in a truly international experience while learning in three different countries over the course of two years.  

This unique triple degree offers you the opportunity to experience cultural perspectives, collaborate with a global network and gain in-depth knowledge of business practices on an international scale.

By working with renowned faculty and industry experts across Europe, you will not only broaden your worldview, but also cultivate a global mindset. Moreover, you will benefit from a diverse skill set, enriched by the unique strengths of internationally renowned schools.

Start your finance career with a triple advantage. 

Is it right for me?

Why choose this master?

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Programme structure



Fees and Benefits

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Degree Awarded 

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Career Service

Our POLIMI GSoM Careers Service is one-of-a-kind, dedicated to giving you a highly personalised service.


International Students Office

Our ISO works hard to give every international candidate and student a tailor-made service.


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