18 December 2019

The first step of a long journey 

Author: Fabrizio Liponi, International Part Time MBA student

When I am asked to tell people about the week in Barcelona I say: “It was amazing, I’m proud to be part of that group, I’m proud of my choice to study for an MBA”.

When I chose to enroll, it felt like a leap in the dark: I was going to be bearing a long-term commitment, filling up my daily schedule (and the weekends!) without any guaranteed profit at the end of the path.
After the week in Barcelona, I’ve been able to have the first sight of the benefits: great courses, a super group and the mandate to lead my own career.

At EADA (the business school that hosted us in Barcelona), we attended courses about Leadership, Organizational behaviour and Macroeconomics: for me, it was a first time for all three subjects, but the professors were crystal clear in transmitting the core knowledge and, most of all, the right state of mind for approaching problems.

The two soft skills courses brought me a new awareness: leadership is an attitude, not a blessing, and thus must be learned and chosen as an approach towards team-members, regardless of the role.
The group is the greatest surprise: I didn’t expect it could be so easy to build bonds in such a short time. I think that the key of this link is the common state of mind: we all want to be leaders of our future.
We have been great colleagues during the courses, sharing personal experience and knowledge and helping each other to complete the assignments: the outdoor activity of the leadership course was a great idea to break the ice during the first day.

Due to the epidemic of fever that spread among us, we also jokingly supposed that this time spent outdoors had ruined our health: however, it strengthened our attitude of comradeship, leading us to share medicines and help those who couldn’t attend the lessons.

At the end of the day we also became friends, hanging around in Barcelona for tapas and a drink: now I can say that all the effort we will need to make on the hard path of an MBA will be less of a burden, because it is going to be shared in a supportive environment.

This MBA will be a long and demanding journey to build my career: the Barcelona experience is the cornerstone that makes me feel confident of the final result.

18 December 2019

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